2025 Aims and Goals

Welcome to 2025 … Our Aims and Aspirations

It was a little under two years ago when I wrote my news piece saying that Making Sense of the Bible was back. In that post I outlined my intentions to re-start this blog. Making Sense of the Bible started back in 2019 after my previous blog which was called Theology Review came to an end. In it’s original form, Making Sense of the Bible saw posts published between November 2019 and April 2020. After April 2020, the blog just stopped. At the time, I started to focus my writing efforts on producing content in the job sector I was in (Salesforce). As a result, writing posts for this blog simply just stopped. It was my never my intention to stop writing theological content, however that was exactly what happened. In 2025, I would like to change this.

In 2023, I published the post saying WE’RE BACK. This unfortunately, turned out to not be the case. I won’t spend too much detailing the reasons why that was the case, but it was a combination of health issues that were coming to light and a lack of motivation to do the hard work that is required to put out good quality posts. At the time of writing, although there is still stuff going on in my life (when isn’t there for most of us), I am in a place in my life now where I believe I can actually make good on the desire to bring the blog back. So, that is what I am committing to do here in 2025. Honestly, I am not 100% sure how many posts I will get out over the course of the year, but my aim is to do a minimum of one post every 4-6 weeks. That’s my current target.

What Am I Currently Working On?

In a piece of good news, it is worth noting that I am in the early stages of releasing my first post of 2025. The post I am currently working on (title pending) is based on the discussion Jesus held with His disciples as found in Matthew 16:13-20, you might recall this as the “who do you say I am?” conversation. The aim of this post will be to bring this conversation into a modern-day lens to help us try to understand how this question is often answered in the 21st Century. At the time of writing, this post is in the planning stages, so it might be a little while before it comes out, but it is coming and will hopefully go live in either late January or early February. So, please do come back to this site and read the blog post when it does go live.

What Other Posts Can We Expect to See in 2025?

At the time of writing, I don’t have an exact plan on what to write, and when to write it. However, there were three posts I said I was going to write back in 2023, so it makes sense to release those posts over the course of this year.

The posts that I planned to write in 2023 that I will be writing in 2025 are as follows:

  • The Kings of Israel in Genesis? … Understanding Genesis 36 in Historical Context
  • Write This on a Scroll to be Remembered … The Command That Eventually Brought About the Bible
  • The Planned Apostolic Expansion into Europe … What Could We Have Seen?

Outside of this, I would like to begin to develop content around discussing Genesis 1:1 and unpacking what it means by “in the beginning”. This piece would be highly speculative, but it’s a topic I find fascinating, so I’d like to look into that. Another topic I’d love to begin looking into further is working through and detailing a Psalmodic Chronology (a chronology of the Psalms), like with the question of what exactly happened in Genesis 1, I have been fascinated at the prospect of looking into when the Psalms were written (particularly the Psalms written by David). Outside of that, there’s an old post I never got into back during the previous iteration of Making Sense of the Bible that I’m considering covering, that being how King David was technically a traitor to Israel when he was inaugurated. That subject in particular really allows us to piggy-back off of that and look into the grace of God and point us towards Jesus. Those are some examples of content I’m looking to write over the course of 2025, so we’ll see how it goes.

Wrapping Up

So, that’s my plans. My commitment this year is to relaunch this blog, and to release up to 1 post every 4-6 weeks. For transparency, I say once every 4-6 weeks because to put together a post for this page historically would take around 2-3 weeks to allow to write the post (and proof-read it), and to read through the relevant related material for the post. As noted above, the next post is currently in the planning stages, so I expect to have it live by the end of January or early February all being well.

I will also provide updates throughout the year via this news section. So please do feel free to check out this section for updates in 2025. This news section will provide you with insights onto how things are going, and what’s coming up.

For now, I will say thank you for reading this post. I hope to see you soon.

God Bless, Mark

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